htop Amaika
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htop Amaika
C/ Diputació 2, 08370 Calella, Barcelona
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<input type="hidden" id="internalStartDate" value="2025-02-12"/> <input type="hidden" id="internalEndDate" value="2025-02-13"/> <input type="hidden" id="internalNumRooms" value="1" /> <input type="hidden" id="internalNumNights" value="1" /> <input type="hidden" id="internalPromocode" value=""/> <input type="hidden" class="internalSource" value="Web"> <input type="hidden" id="internalNum1AdultsRooms" value="2" /> <input type="hidden" id="internalNum1KidsRooms" value="0" /> <div class="clearfix"> <div class="booking-box booking-box--search seearch_without_availability "> <div class="booking-search-results booking-box__content seearch_without_availability"> <h3 class="title_booking_breakdown">Booking Summary</h3> <div class="booking-search-results__search-data"> <b class="booking-title-info booking-hotel-name">Hotel: </b> <span class="booking-3-info">htop Amaika</span> <br/> <i class="fa fa-long-arrow-right"></i><b class="booking-title-info">Check-In: </b> <span class="notranslate">12-02-2025</span><br/> <i class="fa fa-long-arrow-left"></i><b class="booking-title-info">Check-Out: </b> <span class="notranslate ">13-02-2025 </span><br/> </div> <div class="booking-search-results__rooms-list rooms_amount_1"> <i class="fa fa-users"></i> <b class="booking-title-info rooms_amount_label"> Rooms: </b><span class="rooms_amount_number">1</span><br/> <div class="search-item"> <span class="booking-title-info"> Room 1: </span>2 Adults <br> </div> </div> <div class="booking-search-results__new-search"> <button type="submit" class="booking-button booking-button--action" id="modify-button">View price calendar</button> </div> <!-- TODO: remove inline styles --> <div class="booking-widget"> <div style="float:left"> <h1 class="booking-widget__title">Modify search</h1> </div> <div style="float:right"><a class="booking-widget__close-button">X</a></div> <style type="text/css"> .ninos.numero_personas{ display: none; } </style> <div id="motor_reserva"> <!-- booking 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$("#hab2_adultos").val(internalNum2AdultsRooms); $("#hab3_adultos").val(internalNum3AdultsRooms); $("#hab1_ninos").val($("#internalNum1KidsRooms").val()); $("#hab2_ninos").val($("#internalNum2KidsRooms").val()); $("#hab3_ninos").val($("#internalNum3KidsRooms").val()); $("#hab1_bebes").val(internalNum1BabiesRooms); $("#hab2_bebes").val(internalNum2BabiesRooms); $("#hab3_bebes").val(internalNum3BabiesRooms); } if ($("#internalPromocode") && $("#internalPromocode").val()){ $("#promocode").val($("#internalPromocode").val()); } if (typeof(DP_extend_info) === 'undefined' || DP_extend_info.config.booking_version.indexOf('2') == -1) { $(datePicker1Selector).datepicker({ minDate: new Date(), altFormat: "dd/mm/yy", dateFormat: "dd/mm/yy", onClose: function (selectedDate, inst) { if (selectedDate) { var theDate = $.datepicker.parseDate("dd/mm/yy", selectedDate); var theSelectedDate = $.datepicker.parseDate("dd/mm/yy", selectedDate); theSelectedDate.setDate(theSelectedDate.getDate()); $(datePicker1Selector).datepicker('setDate', theSelectedDate); if (typeof(min_stay_number) != 'undefined'){ theDate.setDate(theDate.getDate() + min_stay_number); } else { theDate.setDate(theDate.getDate() + 1); } $(datePicker2Selector).datepicker("option", "minDate", theDate); $(datePicker2Selector).datepicker('setDate', theDate); $(this).closest("#contenedor_fechas").find(datePicker2Selector).datepicker("show"); } } }); $(datePicker2Selector).datepicker({ minDate: minDateDeparture(), altFormat: "dd/mm/yy", dateFormat: "dd/mm/yy" }); $(datePicker1Selector).change(function () { var date2 = $(this).datepicker('getDate', '+3d'); $(datePicker1Selector).datepicker('setDate', date2); date2.setDate(date2.getDate() + 1); $(datePicker2Selector).datepicker('setDate', date2); checkDates(); }); $(datePicker2Selector).change(function () { var date2 = $(this).datepicker('getDate', '+3d'); $(datePicker2Selector).datepicker('setDate', date2); checkDates(); }); $(datePicker1Selector).removeAttr('disabled'); $(datePicker2Selector).removeAttr('disabled'); } }); function minDateDeparture(){ if ($(datePicker1Selector).val()){ var theDate = $.datepicker.parseDate("dd/mm/yy", $(datePicker1Selector).val()); 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You might be interested in the following hotels in the same location. Thank you very much! </div> </div>
Hotel pictures 3
htop Calella Palace 4*S
C/ Maria Cardona S/N, 08370 Calella, Barcelona
0.5 km from the beach | See map
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htop Calella Palace 4*S

C/ Maria Cardona S/N, 08370 Calella, Barcelona
0.5 km from the beach | See map
  • Free WIFI
  • Wellness
  • Swimming pools
  • Restaurant
Surrounded by the sea and natural landscapes, the htop Calella Palace is a privileged enclave, close to the beach and the old town. Its Mediterranean atmosphere and children's facilities make it a family hotel in Calella with an ideal spa for children, adults and lovers of the Catalan Coast.
Hotel pictures 3
htop Amatista
Avinguda Amèrica, 15-23, 17310 Lloret de Mar, Girona
200 m from the beach | See map
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VAT included

htop Amatista

Avinguda Amèrica, 15-23, 17310 Lloret de Mar, Girona
200 m from the beach | See map
  • Outdoor pool
  • Children's area
  • Restoration
  • Rooftop with jacuzzis
In the heart of the Costa Brava we find htop Amatista, our 4-star hotel for children in Lloret de Mar near the beach and the main tourist attractions. Its privileged location and its wide range of entertainment activities make it an ideal getaway to enjoy the Mediterranean climate with the family.
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htop BCN City
Travessera de Gràcia 380-384 , 08025 Barcelona
2.7 km from the center | See map
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htop BCN City

Travessera de Gràcia 380-384 , 08025 Barcelona
2.7 km from the center | See map
  • Free WIFI
  • Breakfast buffet
  • 24 hour reception
  • 24h self-service
Start enjoying your most cosmopolitan vacations at our bed and breakfast hotel near Sagrada Familia. A few steps from the Sant Pau Art Nouveau Site and just 30 minutes from Plaça Catalunya, the htop BCN City hotel is ideal for those who want to explore every corner of Barcelona from the heart of the Horta-Guinardó neighbourhood.
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htop Caleta Palace
Av. del Cavall Bernat, 122, 17250 Platja d'Aro, Girona
In front of the beach | See map
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htop Caleta Palace

Av. del Cavall Bernat, 122, 17250 Platja d'Aro, Girona
In front of the beach | See map
  • Pool with sea views
  • Terrace with solarium
  • Miniclub
  • 24 hour reception
HTOP Caleta Palace is a special disconnection space, with a vibrant environment that will not cease to surprise you. Our 4-star hotel in Platja d'Aro near the beach is located in Cala Rovira, surrounded by shops, restaurants and bars that offer the best of the Costa Brava just a few steps from the hotel.
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htop Molinos Park
Carrer del Bosc del Quec, 1-9, 43840 Salou, Tarragona
300m from the beach | See map
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htop Molinos Park

Carrer del Bosc del Quec, 1-9, 43840 Salou, Tarragona
300m from the beach | See map
  • Pool
  • Terrace with Jacuzzis
  • Miniclub
  • 24 hours reception
The HTOP Molinos Park hotel is the ideal option to visit Salou with family, friends or in a group. Located on the Costa Daurada and just 15 minutes from PortAventura World, it offers the best of the Catalan coastline with its sea and mountain landscapes.
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htop Olympic
Carrer de Benavente, s/n, 08370 Calella, Barcelona
500m from the beach | See map
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htop Olympic

Carrer de Benavente, s/n, 08370 Calella, Barcelona
500m from the beach | See map
  • Children's animation
  • Swimming pools
  • Solarium
  • Bar
Located next to the Costa del Maresme, htop Olympic is an all-inclusive hotel with entertainment and a swimming pool in Calella that fuses cultures, ages and lifestyles with the best of the Mediterranean climate. Surprise yourself with its 517 bright and comfortable rooms, the vibrant atmosphere and its daily shows. There is no time to get bored!
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htop Palm Beach
Carrer Aribau, 3, 17310 Lloret de Mar, Girona
600m from the beach | See map
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htop Palm Beach

Carrer Aribau, 3, 17310 Lloret de Mar, Girona
600m from the beach | See map
  • 24 hours reception
  • Spa
  • Outdoor pool
  • Miniclub
htop Palm Beach is a space dedicated to wellness and relaxation. Only 700 meters separate it from Playa Grande in Lloret de Mar, with facilities to cool off and tan in the pool and solarium. Certified by the British Agency On The Beach 2017 and 2018 and the Holidaycheck 2015, our hotel near the beach with spa in Lloret de Mar offers entertainment for all audiences.
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htop Pineda Palace
Passeig Marítim, 9, 08397 Pineda de Mar, Barcelona
In front of the beach | See map
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htop Pineda Palace

Passeig Marítim, 9, 08397 Pineda de Mar, Barcelona
In front of the beach | See map
  • Private Mini-Spa
  • Animation
  • 24 hours reception
  • Pool with sea views
Clean and safe beaches, natural landscapes and the Q tourist quality seal make the difference in our quiet 4-star hotel in Pineda de Mar. htop Pineda Palace is a unique privileged space, with 194 rooms designed to guarantee your rest in an unforgettable stay.
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htop Planamar
Passeig Marítim, 10, 08380 Malgrat de Mar, Barcelona
In front of the beach | See map
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htop Planamar

Passeig Marítim, 10, 08380 Malgrat de Mar, Barcelona
In front of the beach | See map
  • Swimming pool with solarium
  • Terraces and gardens
  • Miniclub
  • 24 hours reception
Only 25 meters separate the golden sand beaches from the htop Planamar hotel, a family space to enjoy the Costa de Barcelona. Our hotel for children with a swimming pool in Malgrat de Mar is ideal for couples and groups looking to have fun and unwind in the epicenter of the city.
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htop Platja Park
Av. Estrasburg, 10, 17250 Platja d'Aro, Girona
550m from the beach | See map
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htop Platja Park

Av. Estrasburg, 10, 17250 Platja d'Aro, Girona
550m from the beach | See map
  • Restoration
  • 24 hours reception
  • Private indoor parking
  • Swimming pool with solarium
With a cosmopolitan style, the htop Platja Park hotel is a space for wellness and fun just 30km from Girona airport. Its strategic location near bars, restaurants and shops make it a perfect option for traveling with the Family Destination guarantee seal.
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htop Royal Star
Avinguda Vila de Blanes, 70, 17310 Lloret de Mar, Girona
650m from the beach | See map
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htop Royal Star

Avinguda Vila de Blanes, 70, 17310 Lloret de Mar, Girona
650m from the beach | See map
  • Swimming pools with solarium
  • Miniclub
  • Spa
  • Indoor pool
The htop Royal Star hotel is an all-inclusive space for wellness, fun and relaxation. Its attractive surroundings, the welcoming atmosphere of the facilities and the wide range of leisure activities make it a perfect 4-star family hotel with spa in Lloret de Mar to enjoy your stay with maximum comfort.
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htop Royal Sun
Passeig Marítim, s/n, 08398 Santa Susanna, Barcelona
In front of the beach | See map
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htop Royal Sun

Passeig Marítim, s/n, 08398 Santa Susanna, Barcelona
In front of the beach | See map
  • Children's animation
  • 24 hours reception
  • Restoration
  • Pool
Located on the beach next to the city's picturesque promenade, it has sea views and a warm atmosphere, typical of the Catalan coast. With family tourism certification and nearby and accessible natural sites, the htop Royal Sun is our 4-star family hotel with sea views in Santa Susanna.
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htop Royal Sun Suites
Carrer Marina, 1, 08398 Santa Susanna, Barcelona
300m from the beach | See map
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htop Royal Sun Suites

Carrer Marina, 1, 08398 Santa Susanna, Barcelona
300m from the beach | See map
  • Pet friendly
  • Private indoor parking
  • Miniclub
  • Swimming pool with solarium
Located in the epicenter of the city, the htop Royal Sun Suites hotel is ideal if you are looking for a superior 4-star hotel in Santa Susanna and want to enjoy a family vacation. Just 300 meters from the Llevant beach, its 106 rooms with capacity for up to 6 people offer all kinds of facilities to disconnect from the routine in lounges and independent rooms perfect for large families.
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htop Summer Sun
Avinguda del Mar, s/n, 08398 Santa Susanna, Barcelona
In front of the beach | See map
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htop Summer Sun

Avinguda del Mar, s/n, 08398 Santa Susanna, Barcelona
In front of the beach | See map
  • Solarum
  • 24 hours reception
  • Pool
  • Restoration
Central, in front of the beach and for the whole family. This is htop Summer Sun, our all-inclusive family hotel in Santa Susanna is perfect for an unforgettable vacation. Live the authentic Mediterranean experience 45km from Girona and 1 hour from Barcelona.